This just briefly to say that if you fancy a pint at the Three Pigeons, Austenwood Lane, Chalfont St Peter, on Tuesday 16th February from 19.45 hrs, we will be in the area to the right hand side of the bar. Apart from hearing Ray and Angela’s travelogue and your tall stories about incredibly perilous...
Category: From the Riverbank
2010 – January – to boldly go
With Christmas, New Year and Global Warming (aka snow) having been and gone, no doubt you are all wondering what is going on with your river. We saw the close of last season with a very enjoyable dinner at the Three Pigeons. Fun and festivities were somewhat tinged with regret as we were also saying...
2009 – November – Into Year 2 but still uphill
At last month’s work parties, some of us had a lovely muddy time at Chalfont St Giles clearing a channel under the Pheasant Hill Bridge. This activity involved lost drain-pipes, marooned footballs, an initially beautifully clean dog (whose owner had assumed they were out for a peaceful Sunday walk until Naomi introduced them to MRA),...
2009 – October – The Future – starting this Saturday.
I held off sending details of this coming Saturday’s working party so that I could let you know how we got on at our meeting with the Environment Agency today at Hatfield. On balance and all in all, I think the answer is “pretty well”. There was plenty of energy and apparent goodwill around the...
2009 – October News
Another month gone by and, as usual, some ups and downs in the river’s affairs, We were delighted with the achievements of last month’s working party. Having persevered for several years to secure the necessary approvals, Sandy was very happy to witness the removal of the redundant fence by the Ellwood House site. This has...
2009 – September
We had a good afternoon on Saturday at the Chalfont St Giles Fair, receiving a general murmur of support and a number of welcome new contacts/potential volunteers. Last Thursday, the few of us who met at The Village Hall agreed that there were plenty of tasks for the working parties this Sunday but that we...
2009 – August/September
Following the crucial meeting with MP Cheryll Gillan and senior officers of the Environment Agency a few weeks ago, Roger has been making good progress with fleshing out the detail of the plans to address “the leaky bits”, as one of our friends calls them. These are the sections singled out for lining trials upstream of Chalfont...
2009 – August – Your MRA needs you
It was again good to meet with a few friends tonight (6 in total + 7 sent apologies) but, inevitably, part of the discussion revolved around how to engage the silent majority! Amongst other things it was suggested that people might like to have the ability to e-mail and/or phone each other and we started a base list. If you are happy to have your name, e-mail and/or phone number on a list which I...
2009 – August – River update
Residents of Chalfont St Peter may be a little disappointed by the lack of any flow at present. However, I am personally surprised and delighted by how well the river is holding up through Chalfont St Giles in this our first year. There is flow well into the sheep fields downstream of the village. A...
2009 – July – Tomorrow 12th July
We (a few) had a good chat at Village Hall on Thursday and it was good to know there is still plenty of enthusiasm for our efforts and to hear of the general murmur of support from visitors to the stand at Feast of St Peter. We must make sure we have a presence at...