The day of our first work party of the year found several of us low with the bug. As it was snowing, others understandably decided against a paddle in freezing water, but not everyone and, amazingly, the village centre section of Chalfont St Peter and St Giles were cleared of winter debris. Now that’s dedication to the cause!
Hopefully the elements will be kinder for our efforts next Tuesday 14th starting 10.30. Thanks to those who have already signed up – if you can join us too, please let me know by Sunday and I will be in touch on Monday with plans for the day. I’m already aware of a few large branches deposited by Storm Doris to be cleared away. After Tuesday, your next opportunity will be Saturday 1st April – again please let me know if you can join us. Work at this time of year can make a lot of difference to the amount we need to do later on and the presentation of the river for passers by.
After the last couple of weeks, you won’t want me to be going on about a lack of rain. Suffice to say that groundwater levels on the 1st March were the second lowest we have seen in our ten years of detailed study. The upper reaches of the Misbourne have remained stubbornly dry and, at present, I am not placing any bets that we can sustain flow through the Chalfonts for another year ………… but we will try.
Chalfont St Peter Feast Day is on Saturday 26th June and we will again be having a stall. Help for an hour or so on the day would be much appreciated and I do hope we can lay on the displays of creepy-crawlies from the river which are always such a draw.
And a final date for your diary – we will have a “not-a-meeting” in the refurbished White Hart, Chalfont St Peter, on Thursday evening 23rd March from 7.45. It was good to see a couple of new faces at our last: why not come along for a natter?
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