2017 – April Approaches

2017 – April Approaches

Its been a good few weeks for welcoming new supporters, of whom one has already enjoyed a work day, another is brimming with enthusiasm for doing good things in the Missenden area, and another is joining use this coming Saturday.

Yes, indeed, this is “2nd bell” for work parties this Saturday 1st April at 09.30 and 1.30. Thanks to those who have already signed up and, if you can join us, even for an hour or so, please let me know. I will send orders of the day during Friday pm when I know how many we will be and what jobs to prioritise: there are many from an expeditionary force to the Mill leat N of Chalfont St Giles to see what the winter has wrought, thru’ to forming river view points between the brambles alongside the footpath by CSP Community Centre.

For those who prefer weekdays, we will have another bash on Wednesday 26th April – again please let me know.

Our last two “not-a-meetings” have been very interesting with a good group the month before and an opportunity to talk in some detail with our two new friends from Missenden last week. Once again, we will be having a drink and a natter in the White Hart, Chalfont St Peter, on Thursday 20th from 7.45 pm. I understand that the spokes person for Affinity Water at the Chiltern Society talk at the weekend was quite positive about what is going on with the Misbourne and, particularly, their programme to reduce abstraction from the lower reaches. I look forward to more detail from any of you who might have been there.

A notable find beside the allotments in Chalfont St Peter during our endeavours a couple of weeks back was this little fellow who one of our experienced anglers is quite certain is a brown trout.

170312 brown trout CSP.jpg

We look forward to seeing you in or by the river soon

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