2. I was delighted to return home that evening to receive a copy of the following which some of you may already have seen on the Chalfont St Gilles blog:
“10 May As a flyfisher and conservationist I have been noting the fish now resident in the stretch of water between the pond and the churchyard bridge.
Rainbow Trout all witnessed and shown to schoolchildren and their parents.
12” fish badly infested with parasites.
10” fish and 8” fish both in good condition.
A small shoal of 1 year old fry resident by the churchyard bridge.
The 3 large rainbows could be escapees from Shardeloes.
30 April Well done to those volunteers who have worked so hard to clean up the Misbourne.
I stopped on the foot path bridge (behind the church yard) this morning and looked in the river, hoping to see some signs of wild life in the water. I could not believe it, when I spotted a 30cm plus fish, almost motionless, swimming against the current. I am not an expert on fish, but I have referred to the internet and I think it was a river trout.
I am sure that all of those involved in the clean up will be pleased to hear this great news.”
3. As you know, our next organised day is next Sunday 7th June.
Chalfont St Peter team morning session will meet 09.30 by Community Centre with the aims of a) easing a clear channel through the weedgrowth from tennis courts through to Greyhound, including backstream b) clearing short sections of bank and river to create attractive glimpses of the river c) specific clearing by Community Centre etc.
Chalfont St Giles team will meet 10.00 in usual spot by Stone Bridge with general plan to work downstream as required.
Chalfont St Peter afternoon session will meet 2.00 by Community Centre and carry on where the morning left off!
4. Many people have asked for dates in advance so please note the following:
· Sunday 12 July
· Saturday 08 August
· Sunday 13 September
· Saturday 17 October
5. Everyone who responded to my “thoughts for the future” musings in the last note supported the idea of more frequent events in order to keep making steady progress and to give more chance of a date that works for them on whatever cycle they wish. That’s great, but what I need now is for someone/several people to grab a date not listed above and let me know they would like to have an event then. We would publish in the usual way, provide tools, kit etc but Cheryll and I would probably not be there.
6. Ray Randle has an occasional mid-week team and if that suits you, please let me know and I will pass on details.
7. 27th June is Chalfont St Peter Feast Day with all sorts of things happening on Goldhill Common. Cheryll and I will be on holiday but the plan is to have a small Misbourne River Action stand – (e.g. a small gazebo + table + flyers + some photos). Please let me know if you could help with a little time on the day – shall we say 40minute stints? – explaining MRA and encouraging new supporters.
8. I’m delighted to advise that our new recruits this month includes The Greyhound pub and we look forward to working with them to try and maintain one of the most difficult yet public stretches of the river to the benefit of all.
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