Jamboree – Not. Our efforts for June last Sunday morning and the previous Saturday afternoon definitely didn’t qualify for “Jamboree” status attracting only 4 and 5 workers respectively – still it was raining for one and Father’s Day on the other. Nevertheless, good work was done – both sessions at CStPeter: one aimed at The Best Kept Village judges and the other in a much neglected area behind the precinct.
Jamboree 1. Your efforts over the years have obviously impressed somebody as Cheryll and I find ourselves invited to “a bit of a do” at Stoke Park next week. We/MRA are shortlisted for a Pride of Bucks award and dressed in our smart togs and supping champagne will be thinking of all those who have been wet, filthy, scratched and stung alongside us along the way.
Jamborees 2 and 3. We are not having a stand at Chalfont St Peter Feast Day this year (this Sat) but there will be an MRA display in the Parish Council tent. We do hope to have our usual stand at Chalfont St Giles show on Saturday 5th September. This is normally a nice day with pleasant visits to the stand from you and other well-wishers plus the opportunity to recruit some very welcome additional volunteers. Will you be able to pop by? – do a half hour or so on the stand?
Jamboree 4. A little while ago, I mooted the idea of combining the July work party with a picnic and maybe some games beside the river and some have come back with enthusiasm. So, our next weekend work party will be on Sunday 19th July at a river venue to be decided – (should I throw in a “treasure hunt” style set of clues to find us as well?) – commencing at 10.00. We will continue until we’ve had enough, or there are more people thinking “I came for a picnic” than those wishing to harvest sedge and fools-cress. Please let me know if you can join us for any part of the day at all – no worries at all if it can only be for picnic and relaxation. I will try to identify a worthwhile job and a pleasant location. (Obviously, I trust, the idea is bring your own food, drink, etc.).
And so, to the river ……….. Well someone sent me a picture this morning of the lake just below Missenden Abbey looking very sad indeed, and that’s an indication of things likely to come all the way down to Little Missenden this year. However, things are still reasonably good through the Chalfonts at the moment. Of course, nettles have taken over the banks in many areas but it is great to note that the river is now a good shape with a narrow centre channel and stony bottom most of the way from Amersham to Denham. To follow trends in more detail, just check in to the “Quick View” or “Data” pages of our website.
Finally, we will have a “Not-a-meeting” at 7.45 p.m. on Tuesday 14th July at The White Hart, Chalfont St Peter. Hope to see you there for a good natter.
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