Our river has been sparkling down the valley, looking its very best in many places during the beautiful spring weather. In a few locations such as just below Chalfont St Giles, groundwater is still high enough to affect the meadows and remind us of the importance of a) the flood plains and b) keeping the rivers clear to drain the waters away downstream. You might recall that, in our first spring (2009), it was almost impossible to find a watercourse through the marsh in the woods by Silsden Meadow so it is good to see we now have a clear, flowing channel over the full length.
We had another rewarding work day in April. As always, some quick results by clearing the schoolboys’ dams in CStG, removing accumulated debris at the blasted chestnut and at various fences. We took time out to confirm that at least one of the main sewer manholes still has floodwater leaking directly into it. We advised Thames Water of this last year and, assuming there are others, it is undoubtedly contributory in some degree to the earlier sewer surcharging in CStP. Others undertook more serious betterments at CStP, including a great one-man effort on the backstream, though a break was needed to allow this determined duck and her family to pass. A few days before, she had taken them for a walk along the High St to the consternation of the traffic at the bottom of Market Place.
We had another rewarding work day in April. As always, some quick results by clearing the schoolboys’ dams in CStG, removing accumulated debris at the blasted chestnut and at various fences. We took time out to confirm that at least one of the main sewer manholes still has floodwater leaking directly into it. We advised Thames Water of this last year and, assuming there are others, it is undoubtedly contributory in some degree to the earlier sewer surcharging in CStP. Others undertook more serious betterments at CStP, including a great one-man effort on the backstream, though a break was needed to allow this determined duck and her family to pass. A few days before, she had taken them for a walk along the High St to the consternation of the traffic at the bottom of Market Place.

Nevertheless, and while I again seemed to pick a day when many “regulars” were away from the area for the weekend, I was once more left wondering how we might make our activities more attractive to more of you. Please say if a different monthly format would suit you as I’m sure there is much latent enthusiasm in our ranks!
As posted on the website, our invertebrate monitoring team report improved figures in most locations. The team really could do with some reinforcements in their fascinating and valuable work. No prior knowledge is needed and the task requires just one monthly trip to the river for about an hour for a bit of paddling. Training, kit and waders provided.

Please let me know if you would like to learn to tell your “cased” from your “uncased”, your “olives” from your “up-wings” etc and, in the process help to monitor against pollution in the environment.
Our next workday will be Sunday 25 May: I hope that proves a more convenient date please let me know if you will be able to join us – even for an hour or so. Provisionally, the one after will be Sunday 22 June – (to be confirmed). We will have a “not-a-meeting” at The Greyhound on Wednesday 21 May at 7.45 p.m. – all welcome for a drink and a chat.
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