2013 – September Snippets

2013 – September Snippets
  • It is said that the “Sarcen Stones” at Chalfont St Giles, one of which bridges the river, were found when the Pheasant Hill road bridge was being built.  Apparently they were discovered during excavation for the foundations and it is suggested they were Roman stepping-stones.
  • Chalfont St Giles Show always draws some interesting people to our stand.  One such recalled periods of high and low flows in the late 1940’s/early 1950’s.  I would really love to collect some firm dated records, photographs  etc. and develop an accurate picture of the comings and goings back as far as possible  — in fact anything before 1992.  What have you got in those old family albums? – (we can scan and return any photos, cuttings etc.)
  • Would you like to help some special children?  On Tuesday 8th October for a few hours in the middle of the day we are planning to lead a group of children from Stony Dean Special Educational Needs  School in a special work party to clear the river through the field downstream of Bottom House Farm.  The school would like the young people to be working alongside other people.  Please let me know if you would like to join us – waders provided.  Maybe one or two of our “non-digging” supporters might consider offering some light refreshments?
  • Our next “not -a-meeting” – i.e. an informal, vaguely river related, chat over a drink – will be at The Ivy House on Tuesday 8th October from 7.45 p.m.: All Welcome.
  • The invertebrate monitoring team are pleased to report sightings of fish at every location from Little Missenden, (+ 4 frogs and a grass snake at Chalfont St Giles !) except for Chalfont St Peter centre.  They are even more excited to present us with this photo of a stonefly nymph – see below.
  • Our next standard work party will be Saturday 12th October.    Now, seriously folk, I’m sure you’ve finished summer holidays by now and can delay Christmas shopping just a little longer.  Numbers have been very light during the summer and there is much catching up to do so we are looking for a good turn-out.  Please let me know if you would like to join us and I will send “team instructions” to you a day or two before hand.
  • It’s also time to note our 5th Annual Dinner in your diaries.  How are you fixed for Wednesday evening, 11th December?  Shall we go back to The Ivy House as in last two years?
  • Our September work party – see some of them on page 9 of this week’s Advertiser and below – were pleased to report that the herons are back in the valley.


Misbourne Stonefly - P8110256.jpeg  PastedGraphic-1.tiff


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