2012 – June I – After the Jubilee

I hope you’ve enjoyed the celebrations as much as we have.   If the rain happened to interrupt your street party too at least you will have had that warm glow of knowing it was doing good to the river.

I’ve been without my computer for a little while so have not yet updated the website “Facts & Figures” page with the latest readings.  However, the two consecutive sets for May and June, when we might have expected groundwater levels to be falling, will show a recovery normally associated with late autumn/winter!

Last month, we were able to achieve quite a lot, including  clearing two fallen trees and much other rubbish from CStP centre and cleaning the ford again.  Steady flow still ends well north of Chalfont St Giles and thick seasonal green growth obscures the channel in most places.  I am unaware of any more fallen trees and it therefore continues to look extremely unlikely that we could really do much to bring any sustainable flow into the villages with a work party this weekend so we will cancel that which was scheduled for next Saturday – the 9th.

At CStP Feat Day on 30th June, MRA will share space with our parent organisation, the Village Appraisal Group.  A few more volunteers to be available for an hour to explain to visitors what we do and why we do it would be vet welcome – please let me know if you can be available for this.


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