As we swing into 2009, I thought you might be interested in an update of our activities to date and plans for the Year ahead.
Last year, as you probably know, working with the Village Environmental Group and BCTV, we participated in the two “de-clutter days”, painted the bridge over the river by the Community Centre and opened up the spring-fed backstream by the allotments. This has been flowing well for several weeks now.
In 2008, we also gathered a lot of support and goodwill. The Parish Council have kindly paid for a Group Activities Insurance for us through BCTV and have reserved a small sum for additional tools and expenses in the future. The Chiltern Society River Group, chaired by Roger Lerry, is very excited about our ambitions and this is leading to great support behind the scenes in discussion with 3rd parties. We have also researched various technical options and established contact with a couple of helpful contractors.
This last weekend, a small reconnaissance group walked from Chalfont St Peter to Misbourne Farm (just short of the Ivy House pub on the way to Amersham) where the river is flowing strongly. As predicted by John Norris, it is quite clear where the water is disappearing into the ground over a short section downstream of the farm and upstream of Mill Lane. We believe that attention to this would dramatically improve the flow and associated environmental appeal and diversity along the whole valley through Chalfont St Giles and Peter. We lunched at Merlin’s Cave with much optimism that the problem is indeed manageable and pleased with the sacks of rubbish we had collected along the way. Meetings with 3rd parties, including Chalfont St Giles PC are anticipated in the next couple of weeks and I hope to be able to report in more detail shortly.
Meanwhile, we are working towards establishing a simple web-site and still hope to have an exhibit in the library before too long. Early February we hope to have a day both clearing rubbish and easing the channel at selected points between the tennis courts and The Greyhound. You may have noticed that the springs in the field near the tennis court are currently showing well
Our numbers grow steadily with this note going out to some 20 households and many others having expressed good intent but not yet sent me their e-mail addresses. Given the various “flyers” in shops in the village and some media coverage, it is surprising that the majority of the parish haven’t heard of us at all – Please tell your friends/neighbours and give my address to any who are interested (or who may have a different view)
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